Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Blog Proposal

I am a regular contributor to the TTMAC club's monthly newsletter as well as the Triplets and More Support Volunteer and for some time I have thought that it would be great for new members of the club to be able to read past articles from our newsletter. Most of the articles that I have submitted to the newsletter contain information that would be very helpful to new members. Articles regarding finances, safety, organizing, etc. are still useful today even if printed almost a year ago.
I remember when I found out that I was expecting multiples, I went to the library and read 4 books in a weekend. I had an unquenchable thirst for knowledge that took years to satisfy. I would have loved to have seen a blog to see how people in my neighborhood had handled having multiples.
One of the most difficult obstacles I experienced was being isolated at home, but with the informaiton and social connections available with the internet, I didn't feel completely alone. At my convienience, I could research, echat, and even perform some of the tasks needed for day to day living, such as shopping while letting my children happily stay at home and play.
I request that the TTMAC club reviews this blog proposal and accepts it as a pilot project to opperate for 6 months and then evaluate and make a decision regarding its permanance and sanction as part of the club.
Advantages of having a blog:
1) we can have multiple authors who are club approved and submit articles or blog posts on certain subjects that are worthwhile to publish and archive.
2) comments from the public can be moderated or not even permitted depending on the time it takes to complete the task and public response. Multiple authors can take turns moderating public comments to reduce individual work loads.
3) Past articles submitted to the newsletter could be posted to the blog after adjustment to protect personal confidentiality. Parent tips could be adjusted to remove names and could be credited with first name and first intial of parent or parents full name as they desire.
4) if the club does not endorse this blog, the posts could be deleted and the blog would effectively just be a domaine name that is taken and not used.
5) if volunteer authors efforts decline, the posts may remain online without maintenance work performed.

Disadavantages of having a blog:
1) on this website, content is offically owned by google.
2) content is open to the public so confidentiality has to be strictly guarded.

Please consider this proposal and let me know what you think. You know my email address.

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